Upgrade to benefit from many great features that will make your Genius Sign more powerful, and make you more productive.
Unlimited documents
Import PDF, Word or image documents.
Unlimited signatures
No limits to the number of documents you can sign, no watermarks.
Draw signatures
Sign by drawing your signature with your finger.
Scan signatures
Scan your actual signature for realistic rendering.
Auto-repeat signature
Repeat your signature or initials on every page of a document.
Guest mode
Allow guests to sign documents without saving their signature in Genius Sign.
Text annotations
Date annotations
Add today's date in a tap.
Rectangle annotations
Highlight any area of your document.
Annotation flattening
Flatten annotations so that they cannot be edited.
Document templates
Duplicate documents with or without their annotations, to reuse them as templates.
Privacy & security
Strong data privacy (GDPR, CCPA…)
We are a European-based company where privacy is very important. Documents are processed and stored on your phone unless you explicitly decide to export them.
Face ID/Touch ID/Password protection
Prevent unauthorized access to your documents with Face ID, Touch ID or a pin code.